A maturing, multiplying, movement of God

Facility Expansion Initiative
In order to multiply healthy churches we are striving to reach 500 healthy covenant members committed to providing the human and financial resources necessary to begin multiplying throughout the communities of Shreveport/Bossier City and beyond. This is why we have taken the initiative to construct a new larger worship center and children’s ministry center to be completed by the end of March 2020.

Family Ministry Initiative
In order to multiply healthy churches with healthy families parents must disciple their children in the Lord and the church family acts as an extended family who comes alongside them to support, encourage and equip them in the discipleship of their children. This is why we have taken the initiative to develop the included Milestone Map which helps parents disciple their children through major milestones from cradle to college.

Leader Development Initiative
In order to multiply healthy churches with healthy leadership we must continually be maturing as a church family and equipping our members for ministry. This is why have taken the initiative to develop the included “Equipping Pathway” which disciples men and women for ministry and multiplication.

Neighborhood Initiative
In order to reach a city we must have a healthy church in each community reaching its neighborhoods. This is why we are taking the initiative to map out every neighborhood in the Norris Ferry Community and developing a strategy for establishing a spreading gospel presence in each of our neighborhoods.

Healthy Church (Re)Planting Initiative
As we pray for a movement of God we will continually identify strategic communities in which to send 10% of our members and resources to plant or replant healthy churches who will spread the glory of God.

Healthy Church Networking Initiative
As we pray for a movement of God we will seek to establish a network of (re)planted healthy churches. This network exists to encourage cooperation among churches for the transformation of the city to the glory of God.

Prayer Initiative
In order to see a movement of God we must remain in constant prayer that the Lord will establish networks of multiplying churches committed to the transformation of their cities to the glory of God.